NAME – New Actions for Migrant womEn

Funding agency: EC Erasmus + programme, KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnership for adult education.

Project No: 2019-1-DK01-KA204-060282.

The main coordinator: CLAVIS sprog & competence, Denmark.

Project description

The overall aim of the project is to improve and enhance the opportunities for employment, self-support and a safe and independent everyday life within the framework of an equal citizenship in accordance with the needs and requirements among immigrant women in Europe. Project activities:

  • Increase data collection and knowledge around the educational profiles, employment and living conditions of long-term unemployed immigrant women in Europe;
  • Develop a Jobpackage based on job-related language learning, training of basic competences, health and well-being recovery methods;
  • Implement an assessment tool to monitor and evaluate the improvements in the women’s labour-oriented skills and development;
  • Establish cross-sectoral Jobpackage Councils to build a sustainable contact with labour-market and healthcare authorities.
  • Project website

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