Smart Mathematics Teacher (SMART-MT), 2018-2020
Funding agency: EC Erasmus + programme, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for School Education.
Project No: 2018-1-LT01-KA201-046956.
The main coordinator: Kaunas Region Education Centre (KRSC), Lithuania.
Participating countries: Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania.
Project description
The project SMART-MT contributes to the achieving of Europe 2020 benchmarks: to decrease the number of the low achievers in reading, science and math up to 15% and implement the priority "Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation". OECD’s PISA data (2015) show that among the three domains, the share of low achievers is the highest in math (EU average - 22,2%), although the competence in math has been identified at EU level as one of the key competences for personal fulfillment, active citizenship, social inclusion and employability in the 21st century.
Project aim
Develop mathematics teachers’ digital educational culture to enhance pupils’ engagement and achievement.
Project impact
On Math teachers: Improving their didactic, social and digital competences to use new up-to-date modern tools in the teaching process and working with diverse groups of pupils.
On the basic school pupils (aged 10-13): Decreasing underachievement in Math by providing them with attractive digital tools for learning. Changing their attitude towards Math as an interesting and useful subject.